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Children's Ministry

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Grace is a place for formation—forming faith in Christ and relationships with one another. 

Sunday Morning


Ages 4 and under

Our nursery team goes beyond childcare. It's children’s ministry. We want to show the love of Christ to children and help them develop a foundation in Christ.


Before the service, feel free to check your children ages 4 and under into our secure children’s area. Our trained and background checked staff and volunteers would love to spend time with your little one!


*Nursing Mothers are welcome to use our family room for privacy, as well.


Nursery care is also offered during our Wednesday night suppers, and various other churchwide events.


Children K-5

Sunday Mornings


On Sunday Mornings at Grace, children K-5 attend the first portion of our worship service. Partway through, they are dismissed to our secure Children’s area for a fun Bible lesson.


We ask children K-5 to attend part of the service to ensure they understand they are part of the Body of Christ, just like adults. Their presence is important. It also serves to build a faith that abides as they grow, helping them get used to sitting in the service over time.


Parents can pick them up after the service in the secure Children’s area.


*On communion Sundays, the children return to the service for the opportunity to participate in communion, as parents feel they are ready.  

Wednesday Night Suppers

Wednesday Night Suppers occur every other Wednesday during the Fall and Spring.


After dinner ends at 6:00pm, Children K-5 are dismissed to our secure Children’s area for instruction and play.

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Throughout the year, we enjoy a variety of fun events! This year is SCUBA Vacation Bible School (6/3-6/7/2024) FREE to those ages 4 to rising 6th graders.

Worship Arts Camp will be 7/22-7/26/2024 for rising 1st through 10th graders.


For more information on our Children’s Ministry or activities, please email, 

Or, call the church office at (706) 707-8865


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